Pro+Active Health & Sports is a Chiropractic Practice in the Inner West, located in Chiswick. We are just 5 minutes from Drummoyne, Five Dock & Gladesville.
The primary aim of our chiropractic consultations is to get the results you desire. Whether that is to be pain free, move better or to successfully be rehabilitated from an injury, we have your best interest at heart. We achieve this through a variety of methods such as mobilisations, soft tissue techniques (massage), dry needling, strength & conditioning, trigger point therapy, manipulation, cryotherapy, rehabilitation, prehabilitation, strapping and neuromusculoskeletal activation.
It is recommended that you wear comfortable clothes, that also allows the practitioner to access the area of concern. For example if the area of concern is the lower limb, a pair of shorts is ideal. For females, a sports bra may be considered if the area of concern is the thoracic or lumbar spine. We do provide gowns and shorts, if needed.
It is recommended that you bring any relevant referrals or images regarding the reason for your appointment. Any previous reports may also be of some importance. If you have private health then your card is necessary as we have on the spot health rebates. A Medicare card or DVA card is required if your appointment is eligible for Medicare bulk billing.
Initial consultations run for approximately 45 minutes. The standard consultation time is approximately 30 minutes. We understand your time is important to you. As practitioners we will try our best to run on time, but due to the unpredictability of any medical based practice there will be times your practitioner may be running late. For which we apologise in advance.
In your first consultation, your practitioner should take you through a thorough history of your complaint/concern. Then a biomechanics and orthopaedic assessment is performed so your practitioner has a better understanding of your presenting condition. A rough treatment plan is discussed followed by treatment. Depending on the irritability of your pain, rehab exercises may be performed and prescribed for you to at home.
While you do not need to notify your GP you are seeing a chiropractor, with your permission, the practitioner may send your GP a report explaining your condition, examination finds and a proposed treatment and rehabilitation plan. This is done so all your healthcare providers are kept up to date.
While we accept referrals, a referral isn’t necessary to see a practitioner at Pro+Active Health & Sports. Although, in the case of an EPC, WorkCover Claim or DVA Claim a referral is permitted. We work closely with your GP to ensure you are getting the best care possible and they are kept in the loop.
Everyone and every injury is different, no two are the same. The amount of sessions needed per person will differ. Sometimes an injury could take 3 visits to resolve, but another individual with the same injury could take twice the amount of sessions. When treating an individual with an injury it is important to keep in mind the healing time frames of different tissue, such as tendons vs ligament. At Proactive Health & Sports we use evidence based practice and our superior clinical experience to treat our patients in a timely manner.
There is street parking available on Burns Crescent and Bibby street, located conveniently near the clinic.
Rehab plans are designed to increase your strength and reduce your pain. Doing a fewexercises for one week, and then changing, will not create the change in your body that isintended from the rehab plan. Our practitioners specifically tailor your rehab plan to helpyou maximize your recovery potential, with consistency being a key element to any goodrehab plan
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to call us on 0401 115 583 or email info@proactivehealthandsports.com.au.
Alternatively, you can send us a message below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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